On August 22, 2024, the Bahamas National Youth Guard completed their Standard of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping (STCW) Practical onboard HMBS Coral Harbour Base.
The Standard of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping (STCW) is an international certification for maritime professionals. It consists of four modules: Personal Survival at Sea, First Aid, Fire Prevention and Safety, and Personal Safety and Social Responsibility. These modules equip individuals with essential skills for handling emergencies at sea.
Youth Guard participants engaged in practical fire drills, learning how to properly don fire protective gear and use portable fire extinguishers, focusing on both fire prevention and extinguishing small fires. The abandon ship drill introduced them to various survival equipment, including life vests and survival suits, and taught them how to safely enter the water from a height of eight feet, conserve energy, slow heat loss, and assist injured persons. They also practiced using flares and smoke canisters to signal for rescue and were briefed on the importance of life rafts in emergency situations.
Under the leadership of Commander Defence Force, Commodore Raymond E. King, is dedicated to the transformation of Young Bahamians quality and capabilities. This commitment is rooted in the mission to prepare them for the challenges proposed by natural disasters.