Able Seaman Jose Gaitor is a young father, just 26 years old. A 6-year member within the Royal Bahamas Defence Force, Jose Gaitor has served in essential departments within the Defence Force, which include Commando Squadron, Squadron and Military Police. Currently, he is attached to the Harbour Patrol Unit.
Able Seaman Jose Gaitor’s story is one of solemn triumph. He was married on 7 November, 2015 to the former Rache Marcia Munr…oe, who served in the Department of Immigration. The following year, the young couple gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Raeghan. Sadly, just several days after Raeghan’s birth; Rache suddenly fell ill and never recovered from her diminishing health, passing away a few weeks later.
Gaitor expresses that life as a single father has been a difficult journey for him. “There are many days I miss my wife’s physical presence very much, but I am truly grateful for my immediate family who continue to render much emotional support in helping me cope with such a challenge,” he shares.
Nine-month-old Raeghan’s blooming personality brings him continued happiness. “Once she is happy I will remain happy,” he champions. In the immediate aftermath of Rache’s passing, Able Seaman Gaitor sought needed counsel and spiritual advice which assisted him greatly in persevering as a single father. “It was my goal to remain my daughter’s primary protector and provider, as some would have doubted my capability of doing so.” I spend every minute of my free time with little Raeghan, watching her grow through her infancy stages.”
Gaitor is extremely grateful to the organization for allowing him the time he needed to mentally follow a normal work routine once again. He encourages all fathers, particularly those that may experience a similar situation as him to continue to strive. “Never allow others to doubt your ability to commit to your role as a parent,” he advises as his little Raeghan finds comfort in his warm embrace.
(RBDF Story by A/W/M Shari Colebrooke)
(RBDF photos by Marine Seaman Collison Ingraham and A/B Jose Gaitor)