The documents to govern the Royal Bahamas Defence Force’s Junior Rates Mess was recently signed by the Commander Defence Force, Commodore Raymond King.
During a brief signing ceremony at HMBS CORAL HARBOUR on September 18, 2020, Commodore King officially signed the documents, which governs the rules and bylaws of the Junior Rates Mess, thereby ratifying them. Among the rules included are the conduct, dress code and operating hours of this section.
The Junior Rates Mess provides facilities and services for the operation of social and recreational activities for personnel at the rate of Leading Hands and below. The Junior Rates Mess, which caters to more than 1,000 enlisted Marines, became an official section of the RBDF in January 2020. Since its official establishment on March 31, 1980, the Royal Bahamas Defence Force has created Mess areas for the Officers and Senior Enlisted, which is a common tradition among naval organizations.
Led by its president, Leading Woman Omanique Seymour and her committee member, this venture serves as an historic landmark in the organization. The RBDF’s Base Executive Officer, Commander Floyd Moxey, who has overall responsibility for overseeing the operation, function and expenditures of all activities within this facility, said that as the force monitors the overall morale of the men and women who serve, this opportunity serves as a boost for continued success of the organization.
Moreover, the establishment of the Junior Rates Mess as envisioned by Commodore King, is to create leaders throughout the organization beginning at the Junior Rates levels. More importantly, to afford the Marines an opportunity to govern themselves in a controlled environment and appreciate the military customs, traditions, and courtesies required in formal and casual settings.