Coral Harbour Base, 26 SEPT. ‘18 (RBDF): The Royal Bahamas Defence Force hosted its
first Annual Legal Aid Seminar and Clinic on 21st September 2018 at the Coral Harbour Base.
Participating in the event were representatives from the Judiciary and The Bahamas Bar
The event was hosted by the RBDF to ensure that personnel received equality before the law and
the right to counsel and a fair trial in keeping with the Commander Defence Forces intent to
improve the professional and personal wellbeing of RBDF members. Personnel were also treated
to free legal advice during the Legal Clinic.
Making presentations were the Honorable Keith Thompson, Acting Justice of the Supreme
Court, Magistrate Her Worship Sandra Dee Gardiner, Attorneys- Ms. L. Michelle Fox, Ms.
Calverna Small, Mr. Jerome Darceuil, Ms. Tara Knowles, Ms. Ian-Marie Darville and Mr.
Sherman Bethel. Topics covered included Labor Law, Family Law, Divorce/Conveyance, Will
and Probate, Criminal Law and Personal Injury and Health Issues.
“Any institution must always set out to treat its employees as human beings. You cannot get
100% participation and support if you mistreat your employees”, said the Honorable Keith
Thompson. “The main aim and objective of any institution is progree and success. The only way
to do that is to have everybody on board and on the same page”.
Bringing opening remarks on behalf of the Commander Defence Force. Commodore Tellis
Bethel, was the Deputy Commander Defence Force, Captain Samuel Evans, who cited the
importance of the event for the Officers and Marines stating that:
“… as an organization, we must remain cognizant of the realities of the everyday challenges,
including legal issues that confront our officers and marines, both within the Defence Force, and
in our private lives. The impetus of this legal aid clinic is to provide practical information and
advice on various aspects of the law”.
“The clinic was quite timely and informative with a lot of valid information being shared”, said
Woman Marine Melvina Brown- McKenzie. “As it relates to modern day issues and life
experiences, the panelists gave me a better sense of how the judicial system operates”.
Organizer for the event, Lieutenant Commander Floyd Moxey, the Staff Officer Legal Affairs at
Defence Headquarters, lauded the legal presenters for taking time out of their busy schedules to
share their wealth of knowledge with members of the RBDF. He also expressed his gratitude
that Officers and Marines were able to take full advantage of the opportunity to receive
professional and personal legal advice.
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