Members of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force’s Entry 21 recently paused from their busy schedules as they gave back to the community with a meal distribution on Saturday 6 February 2021.
As the Royal Bahamas Defence Force continues to enforce the Commander Defence Force, Commodore Raymond King’s strategic objective of strengthening relationships with stakeholders and the community at large as a socially corporate citizen, the all-male entry recently joined forces with the Englerston community.
On Saturday, at the Montell Heights basketball park, past and current members came together to be a blessing to the Community. Breakfast, comprising of yellow grits, steamed sausage, steamed corned beef, and tuna salad, along with bottled water were distributed to the residents.
The Officers and Marines were celebrating their 33rd Anniversary along with their commitment to the country and service after graduating from new entry training in 1988. Having made significant contributions to the organization, some of the members have since retired or were honorably discharged.
Many residents expressed gratitude and gratefulness for the kind gesture, which meant a lot during the recent pandemic. Chief Petty Officer Philip Farrington noted, “We deem it an honor to be a blessing to someone else. In serving over 200 plates today, this venture is something we enjoyed doing, as we aim to reach out to the inner city, especially the children and the community-at-large”.