Female Officers, Warrant Officers, Senior Rates and Junior rates of diverse skillsets within the Royal Bahamas Defence Force participated in a Quantitative Research Interview administered by Dr. Jason Styles, Professor at the University of the Bahamas and Dr. Lisa J. Knowles, Professor at St. Thomas University, Miami Gardens.The interview sessions which commenced on August 9 through August 10, 2022, were held at HMBS Coral Harbour and Defence Force Headquarters, and focused on the topic of “Women Leaders in the Royal Bahamas Defence Force in the time of Covid”. During his visit of Coral Harbour Base, Dr. Styles and Dr. Knowles (via zoom) paid a courtesy call Captain Coral Harbour, Captain Glen McPhee in his conference room, where the purpose of the research was discussed. Captain McPhee expressed his appreciation of the contributions made by females and donated his book entitled “The Marine Recruit” which highlights some of those accomplishments to aide in the research. Also in attendance was Lieutenant Commander Samantha Hart, Base Supply Officer, Warrant Officers, Senior Rates and Junior Rates. This initiative will be used to showcase the experiences that women in the Royal Bahamas Defence Force faced during the Covid 19 pandemic as it relates to their personal and service responsibilities. It also aims to bring to the forefront and highlight the contributions made by females and their importance to the organization’s progression. From their inception into the organization, woman have continued to break the glass ceiling in their perspective areas, often going above and beyond the call of duty. The strategic intent of the Commander Defence Force is to develop a professional and high-performance workforce focused on professional excellence. It is with great hope that the findings of this research be used to assist leaders in their decision-making process and in the development of policies as it relates to females within the organization and the challenges they face daily in the execution of their duties. The Royal Bahamas Defence Force is proud to participate in this initiative as their Officers and Marines remain committed to the pursuit of excellence in guarding our heritage.(Photos by Petty Officer Tancia Russell)