DEFENCE HEADQUARTERS, 22 JUN. ‘23 (RBDF): Commander Defence Force, Commodore Raymond King signed the official book of condolences for the late George Smith on June 22, 2023, at Parliament Square accompanied by His Aide de Camp, Lieutenant Commander Delvonne Duncombe and Command Warrant, Force Chief Petty Officer, Remone Storr. Com-modore King also spoke with family members where he reflected on the life of George Smith and imparted words of encouragement.

A native Exumian, Mr. Smith served as a Parliamentarian for twenty-nine (29) years, was a signatory for The Bahamas Constitution, a former Cabinet Minister and Diplomat. A State Recognized Funeral Service for Mr. George Smith is scheduled for Friday, June 23, 2023, at Saint Francis Xavier Cathedral, West Street.

Sincerest condolences is extended to the family members and loved ones of the late George Smith, on behalf of the Commander Defence Force, Commodore Raymond King, members of the Executive Command Team, Officers, Warrant Officers, and Enlisted Marines of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force.

(RBDF photos by Marine Seaman Tenaj Wallace)

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