The Royal Bahamas Defence Force Training Department under the leadership of Commander Valentino Rolle, resumed its community fitness sessions this past Saturday at the Coral Habour Community Park. Directed by Physical Training Instructors, Leading Woman Bonaby, Leading Seaman McKenzie and Able Seaman Seymour, participants were taken through a variety of workouts. Residents of the Coral Harbour Community, Officers and Marines came out to partake in an energetic and intense aerobics session. This initiative by the RBDF Training Department provides an opportunity for service members to interact with the community and leave a lasting impact. The Royal Bahamas Defence Force is committed to the continual growth, development, and well-being of its personnel and by extension the public and extends an invitation to participate in future initiatives to help build healthier communities throughout the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. The next scheduled Community Workout session is Saturday, November 26, 2022.(RBDF photos by Marine Seaman Tenaj Wallace)