Photo shows Leading Woman Omanique Seymour, President of the RBDF Junior Rates Committee presenting Mrs. Allison Coakley with a financial donation on September 18th 2020 on HMBS CORAL HARBOUR. Also shown are the members of the RBDF Junior Rates Committee. (RBDF photos by: Woman Marine Myiesha Gibson)
)The Morale Welfare and Recreation Department of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force along with the Junior Rates Mess Committee recently made financial contributions to two of their comrades at HMBS CORAL HARBOUR.
In keeping with the Commander Defence Force’s intent, the Welfare Department remains sensitive to the welfare needs and morale of individuals employed in the demanding job. During this latest initiative, Able Seaman Jamaal Moxey was on hand to receive financial contributions from Commander Floyd Moxey, the RBDF’s Base Executive Officer and also from Leading Woman Marine Omanique Seymour, President of the Junior Rates Mess, along with her committee members.
Receiving contributions for Leading Seaman Adrian Coakley was his mother, Mrs. Allison Coakley, who expressed her gratefulness for the financial contribution. Both Leading Seaman Coakley and Able Seaman Moxey are on extended sick leave. According to Commander Moxey, this initiative, which was well-received and welcomed with enthusiasm, is a small gesture to assist the men who give unselfishly to their organization and by extension, the country of which they are a part. The Force’s fervent prayer is that both individuals fully recover and are able to live a quality life.