Consistent with the Commander Defence Force, Commodore Raymond King’s command philosophy and priority of enhancing the morale and welfare of serving members and veterans, personnel attached to HMBS Matthew Town took time to participate in a tribute for a former Marine.
Led by Sub Lieutenant Renaldo Wilkinson, Base First Lieutenant for the RBDF Southern Command, the team of Officers and Marines participated in a memorial ceremony at the Inagua All-Age School for former RBDF Able Mechanic Eugene Weir, who passed away on November 27th, 2020. The late Marine served his country on the frontline for 11 years, before receiving his honorable discharge in September 1997.
Also, in attendance at the ceremony were Island administrator Mr. Marlon Leary and other government and community leaders and members on the island, who all participated in a moving tribute. Chief Petty Officer Philip Major brought remarks on behalf of Commodore Raymond King.
Commodore Raymond King and the Officers and Marines of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force extend condolences to the family of Able Seaman Weir, and his colleagues at the Inagua All Age School family. The organization is indebted to his dedicated services to our country.