

Recently, twenty-six (26) participants successfully graduated from a Joint Combined Exercise for Training (JCET) conducted by Special Operations Command North (SOCNORTH) of the United States of America at Coral Harbour Base.

SOCNORTH Instructor, Lieutenant Fletcher Preuss, commended the graduates and reminded them that as allies in different jurisdictions, training together for the purpose of accomplishing the mission is most important, especially when it relates to operations.

Base Executive Officer, Commander Michael Sweeting, expressed that the graduation represented progress towards preparedness as an organization, and left the audience with a quote by Winston Churchill which says, “Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning.”.
Some of the training evolutions completed by the graduates included: Small Boat Handling, Biometrics, Over the Beach Operations, Close Quarters Combat, Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Recognition, Tactical Marksmanship, Combat Medicine and Sensitive Situation Exploitation (SSE).

(For further information, contact the Defence Force Public Relations Department)

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