Commander Defence Force, Commodore Raymond King along with Lieutenant Commander Delvonne Duncombe (Aide de Camp) and Force Chief Petty Officer Vaughn Ferguson (Senior Enlisted Representative) travelled to Bridgetown Barbados to participate in the Caribbean Nations Security Conference (CANSEC) 2022 held at the Hilton Barbados Resort. The conference theme was “Multinational Cooperation in a Changing Operational Environment” and was hosted by General Laura Richardson Commander, US Southern Command (CCDR SOUTHCOM) and Commodore Errington Shurland, Chief of Staff, Barbados Defence Force.The purpose of the conference was to provide a suitable platform for key leaders both military and civilian to discuss issues of Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HA/DR) and Regional Security Cooperation as well as any other common thread that negatively impact the region. CANSEC creates a shared framework that is mutually beneficial to the Chief of Defence Staff across the Caribbean region. The conference also aides in the understanding of common threats, while strengthening partnerships to align and solidify regional support for the Caribbean response and security architecture.The conference was conducted over a three (3) day period, featuring bilateral meetings, presentations from regional partners and executive level round table discussions amongst Caribbean Heads of Defence Staff. Similarly, the Senior Enlisted participants also actively engaged in the round table discussions and were able to make their contribution by means of networking and their interactions with senior enlisted personnel from across the Caribbean region, United States, Canada, France and the Netherlands among other nations.