Commander Defence Force, Commodore Raymond King and his Executive Team attended the official unveiling of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force Veteran Association’s (RBDFVA) flag, during a ceremony on Saturday November 12, 2022, at St. Agnes Anglican Church. Rector of the church, The Venerable Archdeacon Keith Nathaniel Cartwright, praised the association during his remarks, highlighting their efforts towards community building after which he blessed the association’s flag. The Color party consisted of members from the Royal Bahamas Defence Force Rangers program. The RBDF Veteran Association was established in November 2019 as a non-profit organization focused on fostering assistance to the Royal Bahamas Defence Force and former members by providing relief for them in times of need, hardship, or distress. In addition, they also assist charitable organizations and the wider community. Executive Team members consists of retired marines: Chief Petty Officer Harold Bostfield, President; Chief Petty Officer Warren Armbrister, Vice President; Petty Officer Prenell Hendfield, Secretary, and Chief Petty Officer Andrew Johnson, Treasurer. Also in attendance was the Hon. Wayne Munroe, KC, Minister of National Security, and the Hon. Carl Bethel, Former Attorney General.It is the intent of Commander Defence Force’s to develop the organization’s relationship with its Veterans and Retirees through the Veterans Affairs Office and RBDF Veterans Association. As this partnership will foster ways to improve the lives of those who served.(Photos by FCPO Johnathan Rolle and Marine Seaman Tenaj Wallace)