(Photos by Able Seaman Michael Turner II and Marine Seaman Wellington Ramsey)
As the world accepts its new normal amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, a new batch of young motivated Bahamians have accepted the call to become potential Defence Force Marines.
Joining on June 6th, this new group of 50 males and 10 females now make up New Entry 57 Woman Entry 26 and is already hard at work towards transforming both their bodies and minds.
The transition from civilian to military culture is expected to last 12-weeks and upon successful completion, recruits are expected to have successfully passed all of the subjects covered in both the Militarization and Maritime phases.
Their journeys began on Saturday where proud family members said their goodbyes to loved ones as they were shuttled off to the Defence Force’s Coral Harbour Base.
Although prior to entry, recruits are expected to be physically healthy, they are still required to complete another physical assessment as official recruits.
On their second day of training, they commenced their physical exercises at 4:00 a.m. This segment included various fitness evolution including press ups, sit ups, pull ups and a quick 1.5 mile run as well as a 300 meter swim.
The Training Department of the RBDF is equipped with highly skilled, locally and internationally trained instructors, who will bring out their best.
Also a part of the training team are two (2) medics working closely with the RBDF Sick Bay who will be conducting regular temperature checks in addition to regular enforcement of the safety precautions prescribed by the Bahamas Government (wearing of masks, regular hand washing, social distancing).
The number of recruits taken in was also greatly reduced and the current entry will be split into groups of 3 during training in lieu of COVID-19 principles.
When these young men and women return to society, they will still be our nation’s sons and daughters, but will also be the newest members of the country’s only military organization and first line of defence – the Royal Bahamas Defence Force. Though times change, our mandate never does – Guard Our Heritage.
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