A joint operation between the Royal Bahamas Defence Force and (OPBAT) Operation Bahamas, Turks and Caicos resulted in the interdiction of 53 (43 males 10 females) Cuban Migrants near Anguilla Cay. On Thursday 29, December. The migrants were observed by OPBAT aircraft and were later interdicted by. HMBS Bahamas on Friday 30th. The Ship’s Company subsequently apprehended an additional two migrant vessels in the Anguilla Cay area.The total migrant count is unknown as this operation is ongoing and it is intended for the migrants to be transported to HMBS Coral Harbour to be turned over to Immigration Officials. Recently, on December 22nd, RBDF fast patrol was dispatched to Little Ragged Island that resulted in the apprehension of 5 suspected Cuban migrants after acting on information from local residents. It is the intent of, Commodore Raymond King, through Operational Decentralization, to work more closely with local law enforcement agencies and regional partners through joint operations as well as information sharing as a force multiplier to address current and potential challenges. The RBDF remains committed to guarding our heritage.