Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF) Senior Enlisted recently completed a training course in Morale Reconation Therapy in Grand Bahama.Force Chief Petty Officer John Ingraham and Chief Petty Officer Eunice Rolle, who are both currently attached to the RBDF Welfare Section completed a five (5) day course, which was introduced as a 12-step approach to handling Antisocial Behavior Disorder.The course which was offered by the L.E.A.D. Institute covered training in areas such as: (1) identifying antisocial behavior in the workplace and corrective measures for improvement, (2) anger management (3) and effective steps for helping persons with substance abuse and work related stress. Bravo Zulu goes out to them. In explaining the value of the course, Force Chief Petty Officer Ingraham shared what stood out most for him during the training.“The course is and will be an effective tool for us. It allows us to have a more strategic and systematic approach to addressing some of the related issues that we encounter.”The Royal Bahamas Defense Force is committed to the professional development of its personnel.