“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” – 1
Thessalonians 5:18

As we gather once again for our Annual Thanksgiving Service under the resounding theme, “For All Things, We Give Thanks,” may these words from the Book of Thessalonians resonate deeply within our hearts and minds and serve as a profound reminder of the significance of this season and the gratitude we should carry in our souls.

This year has brought its own set of challenges and triumphs, but through it all, the unwavering commitment, dedication, and sacrifices of each member of our esteemed Royal Bahamas Defence Force have stood as a testament to the strength and resilience that defines us as an organization.

In the face of adversity, you have displayed unparalleled courage, determination, and a relentless spirit to uphold the values we hold dear. From the training grounds to the frontlines, your unwavering commitment to duty has not only safeguarded our nation but has also echoed a message of hope and security to our fellow citizens. 

This Thanksgiving, as we pause to reflect on the journey we’ve undertaken together, let us remember the countless moments that have shaped us, the bonds that have been forged, and the collective achievements that have made us stronger. Each trial has been an opportunity for growth, and your steadfast resolve has been the driving force behind our success. 

To the men and women of this military, I extend my deepest gratitude for your selfless service and the sacrifices you make each day. Your dedication to duty, your camaraderie, and your commitment to “Guarding Our Heritage” is the cornerstone of our success. 

Today, let us not only express our thanks for the bountiful harvest but also for the harvest of camaraderie, unity, and the indomitable spirit that defines us. May this occasion be a moment of reflection, appreciation, and renewal of our collective purpose. 

With profound gratitude, I extend heartfelt Thanksgiving wishes on behalf of my family to all Officers, Marines, Veterans, Civilian Staff, Rangers, and their cherished families. May this season be filled with joy, blessings, and the warmth of shared moments. Wishing you all a joyous and blessed Thanksgiving celebration.

Commodore Raymond E. King
Commander Defence Force

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