At a special presentation at the Coral Harbour Base, RBDF organizers and team members who participated in the inaugural 18th Annual National Public Service Week Fun, Run Walk and Health Screening Day event presented Commodore Tellis Bethel, Commander Defence Force, with the coveted Floating Trophy for having the most participants and winning the most medals.
The inaugural event was one of many activities being coordinated by the 18th National Public service Week Committee in recognition of those persons, who have retired from the Public Service within the past year. The 6-mile race commenced at the Botanical Gardens and culminated near Melia Resort Hotel, Cable Beach. Other groups and organizations from various government and non-government agencies throughout the island participated in this event.
Participants from the RBDF included Marine Seaman Troy Seymour and Able Seaman Ryan Ferguson who placed 2nd and 3rd respectively in the Male Under-30 category; Leading Seaman Devon Sands won the Male 30-49 category; and Able Woman Marine Aniska Bonaby and Leading Woman Marine Denise Oliver finished 1st and 2nd in the Female 30-49 category. Able Woman Marine Stephanie Darville came 1st in the Female 50 and Over walk category.
Commodore Bethel commended Senior Lieutenant Origin Deleveaux, RBDF Sporting Officer and Senior Lieutenant Elvis Bullard, RBDF Liaison Officer, Chief Petty Officer James Darling, Director of the RBDF Fitness Training School and a key coordinator for the activities, Leading Seaman Devon Sands, a key coordinator for the event, and members of the wider Force for their invaluable contributions to the Public Service Week of activities.

Wood, Command Force Chief, and RBDF Training Officer (Acting), Senior Lieutenant Origin Deleveaux.