In a combined effort between the Royal Bahamas Defence Force, Operation Bahamas Turks and Caicos (OPBAT) and the US Coast Guard, a group of Cuban migrants were rescued, and another vessel intercepted on Thursday, March 31, 2022.That morning, RBDF Operations Command Centre received intel from OPBAT air patrol indicating the presence of suspected migrants on Elbow Cay, some thirty (30) nautical miles (NM) north of Cay Sal.HMBS Kamalamee, Commanded by Lieutenant Miska Clarke rendezvoused with United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Mohawk to receive the migrants, which included those from the migrant vessel and those from Elbow Cay, totaling forty-two (42), consisting of thirty-five (35) males, one of which was dehydrated, and seven (7) females, one of which was pregnant. HMBS Kamalamee arrived at Coral Harbour Base on Sunday April 3, 2022, where the migrants were given medical attention and handed over to the relevant law enforcement agencies for further processing. The Royal Bahamas Defence Force is a strategic multifaceted tool in the protection of our territorial boundaries and remains committed to the preservation of life at sea.

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