Marine Seaman William Murphy, having successfully completed an intensive two-month Commando Training in Jamaica, met with Commander Defence Force, Commodore Raymond King, at Defence Headquarters on John F. Kennedy Drive on December 6, 2023.
Murphy’s training journey unfolded in three distinct phases during his overseas exercise. Beginning with an introductory stage, he received a comprehensive briefing on the program’s expectations and training modules. He then immersed himself in the training, progressing to the amphibious phase, which involved repelling and amphibious operations. The rigorous regimen extended to a four-day jungle survival phase, where Murphy’s acquired survival skills were put to the test. Concluding the training, he faced a demanding five-day examination period, which included stress tests, obstacle course completion, and arduous hikes spanning nine, twelve, and thirty miles.
During his meeting with Commander Defence Force and his Executive Leadership Team, Marine Seaman Murphy received commendation for his dedication and successful completion of the Commando Training. Commodore King acknowledged Murphy’s impressive achievements, resilience, and dedication. He also expressed admiration for the young Marine’s significant feat, and Murphy was honored with the presentation of the Commander Defence Force’s coin.
Under the visionary leadership of Commodore Raymond King, the Defence Force remains steadfast in its commitment to enhancing its security posture through strategic recruitment, professional training, and resource acquisition. With a proactive stance, the force aims to strengthen its capabilities, ensuring readiness to confront evolving challenges and safeguard the nation.