Defence Headquarters, 2 August. ‘23 (RBDF): A certificate and award ceremony was hosted on July 28 for participants of the International Humanitarian Law on Human Rights Seminar that was held in conjunction with members of The Royal Bahamas Defence Force and The Defense Institute of International and Legal Studies United States North Com at Defence Headquarters, John F. Kennedy Drive.

The three-day seminar commenced on July 26 and ensured that military and law enforcement personnel were well informed of their legal and ethical obligations, as it covered topics on Observing and Respecting Human Rights, Respect for Civilian Authority, Use of Force in Law Enforcement, and Rules of Engagement. These areas are essential for maintaining ethical conduct and avoiding human rights abuses during military and law enforcement operations.

Also in attendance were representatives from the United States North/South Com: Colonel George, VRAUACHLER (U.S. Army), Lieutenant Emily Rowan (U.S. Coast Guard), Captain Janae Lawson, (U.S. Army) and Lieutenant Colonel Rob Williamson (Rhode Island National Guard).

Commander Defence Force, Commodore Raymond King, remains steadfast in his commitment to fostering enhanced collaboration between the Royal Bahamas Defence Force and regional law enforcement agencies through joint operations and proactive information sharing exercises.

(RBDF Photos by: Marine Seaman Rickey Sealey)


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